The part of a gunlock that hits the primer or firing pin or explodes the percussion cap and. A tool or device similar in function or action to this striking tool, as: a. At the end the company decided not to moving forward and they hired another candidate which already lived in Berlin. A hand tool consisting of a handle with a head of metal or other heavy rigid material that is attached at a right angle, used for striking or pounding. It was split between technical questions, reviewing the refactoring process and adding some feature to the project and also I had time to make questions at the end.
Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. The final interview was 30 minutes with the IT Director and HR, and 150 minutes with two people from the tech team. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.
6 days after my submission I had a positive feedback and got scheduled for the final interview. A few hour later I received a Symfony 3.4 project which purposely design flaws and bugs.
Interview I was contacted by a Recruiter for a first chat, I sent my resume and had a 30 minute zoom call a few days later with the IT Director of MyHammer, at the end of the call he told me that he had a good impression and wanted to go further in the process.